Sunday, January 22, 2012

iHeart Sister Time!

It's nice to have days like today.  The last couple of weeks have been exceptionally busy and I haven't had any time to myself.  I woke up this morning with one thing in mind....SISTER TIME!

Nick and I had a wonderful morning nuzzled in bed, eating oatmeal, and watching Lifetime movies.  (How lucky am I that he is willing to watch chick flicks every once in a while!)  We also had our first bike expedition today.  It was a family bike ride...first time for Nick on a bike ever.  Man...we've deprived him.  No doubt that sports rule our household...he's never really desired bike riding.  But, what a beautiful day it was!  Perfect to go out and have a little fun.  He caught on quickly and I can see him wanting to go on his own sometime soon.  Ugh! :-)

Tina has been asking me to go spend time at her place the last couple of months.  It seems as though I am too busy, and I guess I usually am.  Today was my chance to make today about doing something for me...and her of course.  We had some healthy eating (counting Weight Watcher points) and just chillen on the couch.  She sang some of her new stuff that I hadn't had the opportunity to hear.  Beautiful!  Made me cry!  She really is talented.

We spoke a lot about just everything.  Music, Men, Mah...the 3 M's.  We skyped a little with our sister and little nieces.  Then we did something that made us both emotional.  We pulled up iTunes and experienced some spiritual growth.  Thanks Lord for always reminding the both of us that you are here always, especially when we both need you!

Guess what?!?  My New England Patriots are going to the SuperBowl!

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