Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Son's Future

Man oh man! During my junior and senior years in high school, it seemed rather easy to just schedule a meeting with my counselor to see what financial aid was available. I consider myself one of the blessed ones, as I didn't graduate college with any student loan debt. In just a matter of five years, this idea no longer existed. Well I guess maybe just not the way I remember it. It wasn't as easy for my brother and sisters, who were a few years younger. Now, I have nieces that are headed into the next chapter of their lives and I notice the stress of how their secondary education will be paid for. Interesting huh? We call college education secondary, even though it no longer holds true. A college degree no longer makes it as easy as it should for young adults to easily just meet their needs.

When my son was born, I researched our state's 529 plans. Every year, I made the excuse of how unaffordable it was. While watching tv tonight and listening to the over analysis of politicians, something clicked. Maybe it was my gut, but more then likely it was GOD leading the way. Two hours later, here I am. My son now has a prepaid college fund to help him when he becomes a young adult in our society 12 years from now. I thank my Lord for allowing me the clarity and guidance to sacrifice right now so my little man can have a little load taken off of his shoulders.

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