Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Proud Moment...

Last night, I was having a conversation with my dad.  He was raised Catholic, but isn't practicing.  I do know in my heart that he is a believer in Jesus's existence.  So, he tells me about a moment he recently had with his new girlfriend.  She asks him if he wants to go to church with her and he explains his background.  He mentions that he isn't opposed to it and that he might be willing to give it a chance.  Now, here's the proud moment.  He says, "My daughter and her family are very spiritual.  They raise my grandson that way as well.  They like to go to church and my grandson goes to a Christian school."  Again, I'm proud.  If my dad here on Earth speaks it as though he is proud, then my Father in Heaven must be gleaming.

Here's a cool picture of what I saw when my hubby, son and I left church this morning.  Makes me happy!

1 comment:

  1. Thats a cool picture! what a wonderful story about your dad :-)
