Friday, March 28, 2014

iHeart Aerial Yoga!

I have to say... the room is absolutely beautiful. So amazing with purple and teal colored hammocks that are as inviting as when you were a kid wanting to swing at the park. It's not what you think of when you think of traditional yoga.  It's challenging, but inviting. It makes you break into sweat but doesn't make you feel like you are about to die!  :)       It just makes me stretch into poses I didn't think I had the endurance to do.  It makes me feel like I am in a cocoon...relaxing, away from the world for a little over an hour.  Yup, think I'm going to do it again.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

iHeart reading!!!

I wasn't much of a reader when growing up.  My interest in books grew in my 20's but it absolutely spiked in my 30's.  I've always been a romantic at heart and reading books about love is just plain awesome.  And now, my niece and I enjoy reading the same e-books and discussing them.  Its part of our bonding time.  I think I'm going to take it a step further and write some reviews of my favorite ones. :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

A Proud Moment...

Last night, I was having a conversation with my dad.  He was raised Catholic, but isn't practicing.  I do know in my heart that he is a believer in Jesus's existence.  So, he tells me about a moment he recently had with his new girlfriend.  She asks him if he wants to go to church with her and he explains his background.  He mentions that he isn't opposed to it and that he might be willing to give it a chance.  Now, here's the proud moment.  He says, "My daughter and her family are very spiritual.  They raise my grandson that way as well.  They like to go to church and my grandson goes to a Christian school."  Again, I'm proud.  If my dad here on Earth speaks it as though he is proud, then my Father in Heaven must be gleaming.

Here's a cool picture of what I saw when my hubby, son and I left church this morning.  Makes me happy!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

iHeart Essie!

You know how much I LOVE to have my toenails painted.  Its a MUST...I always wear sandals so pretty toes are a necessity!  In my quest to be a little more stylish, I'm also attempting to keep polish on my hands.  I don't want to nor spend the money in wearing acrylics. I instead have opted in keeping my nails clear and simple.

Essie has been my polish of choice for quite some time now.  I recently read some reviews about their 'No Chip' product, so I went on a hunt.  I found it at Walgreen's for about $8. Let me tell's amazing. It's been two days and I don't have a missing piece...even with washing dishes multiple times a day.  YAY!  So, in my opinion, its a keeper.  Get to the store and buy yourself this to help you feel confident about your hands!  :-)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Lesson Learned...

Sometimes we wonder why we experience certain events.  This weekend revealed something to me about others.  Pinterest just reminded me.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

iHeart My Responsibilities For The Lord

It's started.  The time I have invested in building relationships with follower's of Christ has allowed me the opportunity to start ministering about Him.

  • Tithing has become more and more a part of my family's life.  Ministries across the globe are seeing a little bit of help and we are humbled to be a part of it.
  • My women's group "Bread of Life", will begin feeding the homeless in our hometown every Friday night. 
  • I have had the opportunity to minister about strengthening relationships and marriages to women looking for clarity.
  • My family continues to diligently work towards reading ALL of GOD's word.

Thank you Lord for answering my prayer of using me to bring others closer to you.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

iHeart The Music Played by...

Guitars.  It's pretty amazing how music can flow from its strings.  I guess it all depends on how it is handled by it's owner.  I relate it to life.  Right now, my guitar is playing some pretty extraordinary music.

  • Thank you Lord for your blessings for my husband. I love how his relationship with you continues to flourish.
  • Thank you Lord for your blessings for my son.  I love how I am the one you entrusted in his growth.
  • Thank you Lord for your blessings for my sister T.  I love how she thanked you today for the blessings in her life.
  • Thank you Lord for your blessings for my sister S.  I love how she is looking to you during these difficult times.
  • Thank you Lord for your blessings in my life.  I love being reminded that I shouldn't sweat the small stuff, but rather enjoy the BIG stuff all around me.  
  • Thank you Lord for my blessings tonight.